Sunday, 26 August 2012

Tough as Nails

An alien has replaced the Long Suffering Husband since some time back. Having worked very hard to train the man to be more house proud I now wonder how I can train him to be a tiny bit less fastidious. He's running around the place picking up anything left lying around and placing it in the most puzzling places. 

Like the today when I had planned on spending the day on the couch, eating pralines and painting my nails. Minus the pralines, that is, since I don't actually eat sweets very often, but you get the picture. 

The couch is no where near as comfortable as it used to be since the Long Suffering Husband took over and banished the cushions and throws. The only thing left on there is the Christmas red towel the cat demands to have there (she protests and gives you the eye if it isn't). He claims cushions are frills and he can't see the point of them – much like Steve, from Coupling if anyone remembers that.

I settled for no cushions and went to fetch my nail varnish. To my horror my better half seems to have tidied the bathroom cabinet together with all the other cupboards. My top coat I could find, some of my nail varnish as well but the base coat (as well as my favourite colours) were no where to be found. Nearly at the end of my tether I asked husband and his answer was that he'd thrown the other bottles since they'd gone dry. Thrown out my nail varnish?! If he's going to take this interest in my make up he may as well take over as manicurist as well!

Now that's a thought! The Long Suffering Husband might look really sweet painting my nails. I'm never going to get him to take care of my feet though as he absolutely detests feet.

At the end of the day he really either needs to Nancy up a bit more or Butch back up. It is true as they say ”Be careful what you wish for. You may get it”...

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