Tuesday, 11 September 2012

A daemon named Demeter

It's been a few days since I wrote last. During the weekend I was busy being Harvest Goddess in the woods, picking mushrooms, and then I've been in bed with a bit of a cold.

The Long Suffering Husband has been at his most heroic, running and fetching hankies, and extra blankies and pillows for me. In our family there is no such thing as ”man flu”. It is usually I who feel so terribly sorry for myself when I get ill that he'll pick up all the slack and take care of everything. He's very nurturing, LSH.

So, since Sunday I have been in bed, squealing like a birdling, demanding hot drinks and cuddles. I'm worse than the cats when I'm ill! LSH has done what he always does when I'm poorly, he's looked after me with the dedication of a Florence Nightingale.

The only thing that will solace me when I have a cold is blackcurrant tea and crumpets. Can't get crumpets here, so toast will have to do.

Autumn is my favourite time of year – the time when the urge to become a Domestic Goddess is at it's strongest. I emerge myself in mushroom picking, jam making and baking. The fact that we don't eat cakes or jam is neither here, nor there. It isn't the eating, it's the making and baking which empowers me.

Given half a chance I'd move out in the country and have my own herb garden. I'd have to win the lottery first, cause I'd need a gardener – I absolutely detest gardening! It's worse than ironing, and that is not to say little.

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